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  • AI Art Residency Announcement & AI Certification Program for Professional Communicators

AI Art Residency Announcement & AI Certification Program for Professional Communicators

Launching our first AI Art Residency with an interactive workshop series called "Chasing the Muses" AND co-teaching UC Berkeley's new online professional certification course on "AI Fundamentals for Communicators & Marketers".

New AI Art Residency - John Anthony Hartman’s “Chasing the Muses”

Hey there friends!! Super stoked to introduce a sweet new program we’re trying out here at MØTLEYKRÜG Media. We’re hosting an innovative AI Art Residency program, and leading the charge is John Anthony Hartman, known in the digital art world as IHAVEROBOTS. John is a pioneer, merging the intricate worlds of artificial intelligence with the nuanced art of storytelling in VR and the Metaverse.

This January, he embarks on a series of workshops titled “Building AI Companions,” a project that’s set to redefine how we perceive and interact with AI in the realm of creative expression. The events are 100% on the MØTLEYKRÜG Media Discord community and promise mind bending.

“Chasing the Muses”: 4 Participatory Workshops on Discord

“Building AI Companions” isn’t just another AI workshop; it’s a hands-on exploration into the future of storytelling. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Session 1: The Genesis (Jan 4th, 4 PM PST)

    • Introduction to the AI Muses, their roles, and capabilities.

    • Overview of the Dialogflow AI model and its adaptation for creative storytelling.

  2. Session 2: Breathing Life into Stories (Jan 11th, 4 PM PST)

    • Deep dive into narrative design using AI Muses.

    • Interactive storytelling and real-time narrative building.

  3. Session 3: The Art of AI Collaboration (Jan 18th, 4 PM PST)

    • Exploring collaboration between AI and human creativity.

    • Techniques for enhancing storytelling through AI insights.

  4. Session 4: The Future of Storytelling (Jan 25th, 4 PM PST)

    • Envisioning the future of AI in narrative design.

    • Discussion on the potential and ethics of AI in art.

MØTLEYKRÜG’s AI Residency: A Creative Incubator

We hope this AI Artist in Residency program serves as a testament to MØTLEYKRÜG Media‘s commitment to innovation at the intersection of technology and art. John’s sessions set a precedent, offering a unique blend of learning, interaction, and creative freedom, paving the way for future artists in this exciting field.

Also super excited to share that I'm teaming up with University of California, Berkeley's Peter Bittner to co-lead the "AI Fundamentals for Professional Communicators & Marketers" course. This 6-week professional certification program is a great step towards mastering AI in the digital communication realm.

What's in store for you?

  • AI Deep Dive: Grasp AI from the basics to its boldest applications in online media.

  • Hands-On AI Tools: Explore AI tools hands-on for text, visuals, and streamline your workflows.

  • Ethical AI Navigation: Tread the intricate ethical and legal landscapes of AI in media.

Over six weeks, we'll take work together exploring the role and applications of AI within communications and media. As your TA, I'll draw on my experience in generative AI to guide you through hands-on projects, tools, and the ethical considerations of working with advanced tech.

Peter and I have designed this course specifically for people looking to incorporate advanced tech into their storytelling and workflows. By the end, you'll emerge with real-world skills, confidence in applying AI responsibly, and connections through our alumni network.

There are only a few seats remaining, so enroll today to reserve your spot and join me on this exciting AI journey. I look forward to working with you all!

hugs and highfives,
Kris Krug