Is AI the Message or the Messenger?

As McLuhan might have observed, in our digital age, AI has become the medium—urging us to evolve. Explore how AI isn't just changing how we do things but fundamentally challenging us to transform who we are.

Hey cybernauts, gather around!

Let me spin you a yarn from the digital high seas where knowledge isn't just power; it's superpower! I recently gave a keynote at Innovate West 2024 that could've rebooted the Matrix.

Ah, the dance of sharing wisdom amidst the existential chaos, where artificial intellects ponder their own emergent sentience with the angst of a cybernetic teenager.

For those who joined us, and for our curious friends who couldn't make it, I've got a recap that'll teleport you right into the heart of the action.

AI is not just a tool; it's a transformation: In my keynote, "Developing an AI Mindset," we dived deep into how artificial intelligence is fundamentally reshaping our approach to problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. We explored how AI, acting as the new medium—thanks to McLuhan's insights—isn't just altering our tools but is fundamentally reshaping our societal connections.

Hands-On with AI: We didn't just talk; we experienced AI's potential firsthand. From practical demonstrations to exploring AI’s role as a creative partner, attendees got to see how these technologies are being integrated into various industries, enhancing both productivity and creative potential.

So, what’s the moral of this story, dear netizens? It's that in this digital age, your skills are the only firewall against the viral spread of ignorance. Whether you’re a coder, a creator, or a cunning strategist in the labyrinth of digital marketing, remember: in the end, we’re all just students in the grand classroom of the internet.

Join the Conversation: Whether you're a seasoned AI expert or just starting out, we'd love to hear your thoughts. How do you see AI transforming your world? Hit reply and let us know!

Interested in bringing this keynote to your organization or event?

Thanks for being part of this incredible journey. Let's keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible and ensure that as we forge ahead, we’re making the digital world a more human place.

Until next keynote, keep rebooting and stay connected.

Remember, in the digital world, every click is a step towards eternity. And hey, if you ever feel lost, just remember: there’s probably an app for that.

Stay quirky, stay smart, stay tuned!
Kris Krug

P.S. I'm hosting an online workshop called "AI Fundamentals for Creative Professionals" that will help creatives like us leverage AI tools and techniques.

It covers prompting AI models for ideation, exploring the creative potential of generative AI, and discussing the ethics around using this technology responsibly in our work.

Just a heads up in case you're interested in joining - spaces are limited so register ASAP!